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Updated: 1 hour 47 min ago

5 Ways To Get 'Arty' With Your Flower Photos

Sat 20 Apr 2024 7:17pm

As we are well into spring now and flowers are rapidly starting to take over gardens, we thought we'd carry on with the flower photography theme but this time we're taking things indoors and are adding an arty twist to the scenario. Have a read of the tutorials, have a go at the techniques then why not upload your results to the ePHOTOzine gallery?


1. Photographing An Arty Flower Shot


The location for this shoot was a living room, making most of the light pouring through the window. Direct sunlight is too harsh for this work so the set up was placed away from the window. A macro lens is ideal for this subject and it's always a good idea to mount your camera on a tripod for stability. Use a remote release, if you have one, to fire the shutter and if your camera has it, the mirror lock-up facility can also help minimise any risk of camera shake. 


2. Photographing Flower Blooms With A Lightbox

In this article, I want to share my techniques for using a lightpad and one of the best uses for the lightpad is to help create a high-key look for your photographs. I started with a dead Hydrangea bloom; I removed the delicate petals from the stem and placed them in a random pattern on the lightpad.  Then, I turned on the lightpad and by doing so I could see the veins in the petals.


3. Abstract Flower Photography Tips


The most popular approach to flower photography is to include the whole flower but by getting in very close or by choosing a less conventional crop you can create a rather exciting image. Plus, it's a technique you can try all year round as you can just buy your flowers from the supermarket when there's none showing their heads in your garden.


4. Five Top Tips On Low Key Flower Photography


Photographing a flower head on a black background is a simple but effective way to make yourself a piece of wall art. The bright petals against a stark, dark background make a vibrant image that wouldn't look out of place on the shelves of stores that are designed to fill your home with accessories and decorations.


5. Flower Photography With A Difference

When you think of flower photography your first thoughts will usually be of shots of a single head taken from an overhead angle or a cropped in shot that focuses on the shapes and colours of the flower. There's nothing wrong with these shots as they do work well but for something different, take a look underneath the flower head.


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Categories: Photography News

Fun Photography Challenge: How To Photograph Numbers And Letters With Everyday Objects

Sat 20 Apr 2024 1:16am

If you want an interesting challenge, head out with your camera and search for numbers and letters or better still, objects that look like numbers and letters. You'll be impressed with how many you'll actually find and when they're put together they can make an interesting panel to hang on your wall. All you need is your camera, a good imagination and some decent weather!


What Can I Photograph?

If you're looking for ideas, a lighthouse can be used as a number one, chimneys can look like a number 11 and a traffic light can be a 3 or and E depending on the direction they're facing.

When we say photograph numbers/letters, you can take this literally or you could put your imagination to the test and look for them in places other people wouldn't think to look.

If you have a door number start with that then take a walk up your street and into your town snapping shop signs, adverts and road signs. Make sure you fill the frame with what you find and watch out for reflections and glare bouncing off shiny door numbers.


More Ideas 

When you're ready to give your grey cells a bit of a work out start looking for objects that look like numbers and letters. You may need to stand and imagine what the object looks like flipped the other way or crop into a part of it to get the number you're looking for but with a little work with your imagination, you'll soon be on your way. Make sure you take a quick look at what's surrounding your subject as a busy background won't make the number jump out of the frame. Try using a large aperture to throw the background out of focus leaving all attention on your object.


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Categories: Photography News

8 Photography Rules You Can Ignore

Sat 20 Apr 2024 1:16am

Compositional rules are there as guides, but that doesn't mean you always have to use them. Sometimes breaking the rules can help you create an image that's far more striking, so here are 8 more ways how breaking the guidelines can help you create an image that has far more impact.

1. Centre Your Subject


With the rule of thirds, you have to ensure that your main point of focus is positioned on one or more of the four intersecting lines on the nine-square grid you have to imagine is sitting over your image.

However, there are some shots where placing your subject in the middle of it will give you a more striking image. For example, a road or path stretching off towards the horizon, starting so it fills the frame and winding away until it vanishes can look better when positioned in the centre.

The same goes for shots with lots of symmetry. A long table that's set for dinner with rows of chairs and lines of plates, glasses and cutlery on it will make a more interesting photograph if positioned in the centre of the frame, while photographing escalators, steps, piers and tunnels so they sit in the centre of the frame can help exaggerate their length, giving the impression that they go on forever. Portraits are more pleasing to the eye when you use the rule of thirds grid but if you're shooting a portrait that has a more creepy, unusual feel to it, positioning your subject in the centre of the shot will enhance this uneasy feeling.


2. Split Your Image In Two


When you're working with the horizon or lines you should avoid splitting the image in two, so horizons should be slightly higher or lower, depending on where the interest is and lines should be positioned to the left or right of the centre line. However, cutting your image in two will give you a shot that has a lot of impact, particularly if you're going for something more abstract where strong blocks of colour are your focus.

  3. Work Wonky


Keeping your horizons level and your shots straight is a rule that's important for landscapes but there are other subjects where tilting your camera will give them more energy and a sense of excitement/fun. If you're going to do this, make sure you do it properly, really turning your camera. If you don't, it'll look like you were going for a straight shot and angled your camera by mistake.

4. Play With White Balance


Capturing shots with the right colour temperature is something that's important the majority of the time, however, there are occasions when using the wrong preset or making adjustments after in post-production will help boost colours, make shots more interesting and fun. For example, you can emphasis the coolness of a winter scene with blue tones and give more warmth to Autumn landscapes to enhance the orange and yellows that are prominent during the season.


5. Use Higher ISOs


For shots that are clean and sharp, you'll generally need to use the lowest ISO possible. Of course, there are many cameras now that cope quite well at higher ISO levels, and they won't leave noise in your shots. However, if you have a camera that still struggles at higher levels, use it to your advantage, shooting some grainy images.

If you don't want to create the look in-camera, shoot at a lower ISO and run your image through photo editing software and apply your grain digitally. The grain works even better with black and white shots so while you have your editing software open, try converting your coloured shot into something much moodier. Portraits are good subjects for this but if you have a few landscape shots you've taken on dull days, try converting them to black and white, add a little grain and a grungy frame and you'll breathe life back into a boring shot.


Make The Most Of Out Of Focus Shots


For a more dream-like composition, try throwing your whole frame out of focus. A wide aperture will be needed and you'll probably have to focus manually to stop your lens focusing on something in the frame. You want the shot to be out of focus just enough to make it look like you did it intentionally but still leave enough detail to make the scene recognisable. Your other option is to blur what would be considered as your main point of focus and have something in front or behind them sharp. A more subtle way to use the effect is by creating a soft-focus portrait. Take a look at our Photoshop Tutorial for more information on how to do this.


Move Your Camera While Taking A Shot


The 'try to keep your camera as still as possible' rule only applies when you're not going for a strong, abstract shot that's full of energy. If you're photographing action, a car speeding along a track or dancers spinning in a circle, moving your camera while you take your shot will add a little blur that can increase the feeling of speed and excitement.

Using a slightly slower speed than you'd usually use to capture action will further enhance their movement and you probably don't need to move your camera to do this. Again, having part of the shot a little sharper than the rest will give your viewer a focus point. Try zooming your lens barrel out or in through the exposure too to create a zoom burst. You'll probably want a tripod to hand for this as it makes it easier to turn the barrel of the lens. Zoom bursts work well on stained glass but they can give equally good results on groups of fast-moving dancers who are making their way towards you.

Try removing all sharpness from the shot with a drag landscape. We've covered this on-site in a previous technique which you can find here: Drag Landscapes


Shoot From The Hip


OK, so shooting with your camera held to your eye or using your camera's screen to frame your shot isn't a rule, just more of a thing that everyone does because that's the way camera's work! But by leaving your camera by your side and 'shooting from the hip' you can get some interesting results. Sure, it can be a little hit and miss but as it doesn't look like you're taking a photograph you stand the chance of capturing much more candid results, particularly on the street.


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Categories: Photography News
